


教室の Busy Town のボードゲームにも Jacks で遊んでいるシーンあります♪
ピクサー映画「モンスターズ・インク」(原題:Monsters Inc.)は、
子ども部屋にこの Jacks が散らかっているシーンからスタートしますね♪♪
中に入っていた "How to play" です。
Step1: Sit on the ground or floor unless you're playing on a table, in which case standing is usually better than sitting on a chair.
Step2: Toss the 10 jacks gently out onto the playing surface.
Step3: Toss the ball into the air with your throwing hand.
Step4: Catch the ball in your throwing hand before the ball hits the ground.
Step5: Repeat steps 3, 4 and 5 until you've picked up all 10 jacks.
Step6: Toss the 10 jacks out onto the playing surface again.
Step7: Toss the ball into the air, and now pick up 2 jacks each time and catch the ball before it hits the ground.
Step8: Continue tossing the ball, picking up jacks and catching the ball -  increasing the number of jacks you pick up when the balls is in the air until you pick up all 10 at one time.
Step9: It's the other player's turn when you don't pick up the correct number of jacks or you miss the ball.
Step10: Begin where you left off when it's your turn again. If you were picking up 3 jacks at a time, toss the 10 jacks onto the playing surface and pick up 3 each time.
Step11: Declare a winner whenever you want to or when you  or your friend succeeds at 'onesies' through 'tensies' each time.
Step11 の "Declare a winner"(勝利宣言?!)なんか新鮮。
そして、'onesies' と 'tensies'、
tensies、yourdictionary.com によると、
A call in any children's game, such as jacks, where 10 actions must be performed.